20s A Difficult Age Wiki

In the Ancient-World of 20s A Difficult Age, the dating system is split into four “World Ages” on Ḳasa.[1] The four world ages used to describe the times consist of “Ūga Aka”, “Ūga Chi”, “Ūga Azi”, “Ūga Anwu”. Each World Age spans thousands of years. The World Ages spelled out but are abbreviated sometimes as 1WA, 2WA, 3WA, and 4WA.


"Ūga Aka" (1st World Age)[]

Known as the 1st World Age, or the “Age of Oneness”; this age is described as being inhabited by divine spirits and immortality. In the 1st World Age the Seed of the World formed into the Egg of the World, it vibrated and hatched, forming the Universe. During this age is where Mother Triple Blackness and Father Time created the “Leza”.

"Ūga Chi" (2nd World Age)[]

Known as the 2nd World Age, or “Age of Self-Awareness”; this age is one of dualities within living beings, intuition, telepathy, birth and death of the flesh. This age also gave rise to the Masabai, Kunamu, Bokanya, Ja Jiki, Katarfala, Mai Kuratu, Machijai, and Mai Iska civilizations.

"Ūga Azi" (3rd World Age)[]

Known as the 3rd World Age, or the “Age of Destruction”; this age brings forth the “children of the stars”, the Taurari and Kasairi; two of the major races that possess “eyes of light”. These chosen, have the ability to correct destructive tendencies of the world(s) they inhabit. A year in this age is thirteen months and 28 days.

"Ūga Anwu" (4th World Age)[]

Known as the 4th World Age, or “Age of the Sun”. The essence of this age is ignorance, confusion, destruction and evil on the planet. In this era, humanity will decline mentally, spiritually and in populace. This is also the era where thirteen "months" measure a year.

Year and Months[]

At some point during the 3rd World Age, it was established that the year was marked by thirteen months and the thirteen months are as followed:

Seere January
Irele February
Erena March
Igbe April
Ebibi May
Okudu June
Agemo July
Ogun August
Pagume "Extra Month"
Owewe September
Owawa October
Beelu November
Ope December


  1. Energy Manual - Page 4