“Do not say…his name! The Eighth Ancestor is powerful in the "magic speech", speaking his name alone will attract him to us." - The Fifth Ancestor (to the Seventh Ancestor)
Magic Speech (also referred to as The Magic Speech) was a form of language that was enchanted with aṣhẹ, it allowed the speaker to use language to manipulate other life forms.
The origin and creator of "magic speech" is unknown but it is introduced in Energy Manual, before the Battle of the Beginning - the Eighth Ancestor manipulated the leaders of the Great Eight races into war.
"Magic speech" if not understood is capable of bending people into affairs and actions against their will.[1]
Side Effects[]
The Second Ancestor lauded the legend that one of the side effects of the magic speech is that it blackens the mouth of the speaker. This could also be one reason why the Eighth Ancestor kept his mouth and identity concealed to avoid being known as a speaker.[2]