The Masabai Shadow (also known as "The Shadow") was the army originally constructed by the Eighth Ancestor, the main purpose of the army was to assist the Eighth Ancestor in rebuilding the Masabai home world on Kasa and defending it from the Seven Ancestors and their home worlds that wanted to "invade" it.
History & Description[]
The army mostly consisted of Shetani created by the Eighth Ancestor himself, yemoja, shadow-men, and more.
There were many symbols for different divisions of the Eighth's armies but the dominant symbol was that of the Eye of Ardor which featured the Ojuegan eye of the Eighth Ancestor.
"Even though not all were able to speak and form words they all understood pain and fear." - Energy Manual (Page 29)
Within' the ranks of the Shadow, torture of the Shetani and verbal abuse was common practice. Some of the Shetani bore unique scars from being tortured. Their eyes were left alone, because they only had one. [1]
- The Eighth Ancestor (Founder and Leader)
- Daza (in the skies)
- "Mami Wata" (in the seas)
- ↑ Energy Manual - (Page 29)