20s A Difficult Age Wiki

RedRoc Interactive (or written simply as "RedRoc" and affectionately called "Double R") is an American video game company founded by Marcus Orelias on March 26, 2018. It is currently based in Arizona with its parent company, R.O.T.U. World. RedRoc operates in the Triple-I space.


RedRoc Interactive was founded in 2018. The first intellectual property that was being developed for handhelds was 20s A Difficult Age: The Video Game, based on the album. While building its development team. It was later postponed for unknown reasons. Figuring out the infrastructure of the company, RedRoc sat in the public domain. A year later in 2019 an online posting was created and posted on Instagram featuring a Playstation 4 Dual Shock 4 controller seeking animators, composers, programmers, composers and concept artist.

On June 25, 2019 - the ROTU World instagram posted:


Insinuating that their new game would be released on Sony's next generation console tentatively titled the "Playstation 5", also a working title was given. On November 11, 2019 - Marcus Orelias announced in a tweet to Hideo Kojima that RR's first game would be made for the "Strand" genre.


Starting out the RedRoc Interactive logo was originally a typography logo of the company name in a bold font. On July 26, 2019 an official RedRoc logo design was officially revealed both vertical and horizontal on the R.O.T.U. World Instagram homepage. The account says Marcus Orelias designed the company logo, he also designed the ROTU World logo.

RedRoc's logo is a key with beads and a cowrie shell attached at the end. The company name is written in the key ring in a thin font.


A 2019 online ad for RedRoc seeking various roles featuring the typography logo a top.


